Shopify Plugin
How to use the Mazing Shopify Plugin to integrate 3D/AR - (6. Steps or 15 min)
Last updated
How to use the Mazing Shopify Plugin to integrate 3D/AR - (6. Steps or 15 min)
Last updated
If you have a account use the same credentials
Already done? Great, then follow Step 4.
Go to your Mazing Dashboard and follow the steps under "Upload My First 3D Model".
If you can not find it, use the link that is in the blue box in the screenshot above.
5.1. Find the Tab on the LEFT
5.2 Sync your products with the Plugin, this will load the active products you have in the store.
5.3 Enable the products, where the AR link should be visible
NOTE: (if there are multiple variants of one product you can assign it to a specific variant)
5.4. Insert the https://mazing.links
NOTE: Click on the Magnifying Glass Icon to find your links (=your previously uploaded 3D models)
Hint: You also find your Mazing.Links on your dashboard under by clicking on "Share".
6.1. Set Position of the Buttons on your product page
Note (your shop page will open to a random product, give it some time to load)
Optional: Change Button Text, if you remove the text the button wont be visible.
6.2. Hover around with the mouse until you see the blue area
NOTE: If it does not work close the page again and make sure APP Embeds is set.
6.3 Click on an element where the buttons should be placed
Hint: Placing the buttons can get a bit tricky, by using CSS you can easily position and style. If you need help, please don't hesitate to contact us under
Note: you can also modify that field yourself and find the CSS Selector and use the before and after setting of the "ADVANCED Positioning function.